Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Goose Poop

Hey PJ, congrats on the W in our stupid fantasy football league.  Just to let you know, no one cared about it.  I mean no one.  Don't sit too high up on your chair.  Maybe if we actually played for money, like real men, there would be more care.  Too bad, maybe next year we can actually play real fantasy football...  So everyone (Web 6), start saving your pennies now.  Put away about a 25 cents a week until the next year and you'll have about $10.

On a better note, I just want to let PJ know, that he is not a better SFTC picker.  He got extremely lucky Christmas day where he got off 20 picks.  That same day, I had a whopping total of 1.  Every Goose lays an egg every now and then, so relax Peej.

Finally, to all of my fellow Geese, I hope the Holidays went well and I hope that the New Year brings some joy.  I am sorry that I haven't blogged lately, but what are you going to do about it?  I work almost 35 hours a week, I have a girlfriend and I am struggling to make a damn pick on Streak. Today I had a day off and I am in the middle of a Win 5...  So if I had more time off, I would pick until the cows came home.

p.s. I miss the Geese.

1 comment:

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